No, its not a fire truck/ tour bus. Its a Fiat 682/RN2 Bartoletti Ferrari Race Transporter as built by Apefight and it comes complete with fully working Power Functions remote control, opening doors, dropping tailgate, lowering top deck, detailed interior...but, as it turns out, nothing to haul.

One builder who didn’t forget the payload is TechnicFenix13 with his I-ran-out-of-black-so-also-went-with-four-other-colors low loader tow truck. Its just the perfect thing when you leave your yellow Ferrari abandoned at the scene of your LEGO worktable and need to tow it away pronto.

Back before most of us were born the hard working 1964 Ford Thames Trader brought goods to and fro in eye catching Jonathan Derksen color blocking style. That’s just chock full of classic Ford goodness right there!

Let’s face it, whether we work as a pizza delivery guy or a bikini waxer, none of us would get to our jobs if it wasn’t for fuel to take us there. This is why christophbrill built us a 30’s era old timey Octan Fuel Truck. The little minifig there...helping others get to their jobs by doing his. Do you think they had bikini waxers in the ‘30s?

While we all ponder that question we can marvel at this tan and blue Milk Float as built by Legogil. Back in the milk delivery days, we had the Divco in America, but most of Europe had the Milk Float, a quiet battery operated vehicle suited to silently deliver milk in the wee morning hours. Good stuff, Gil!

L@go built what looks like a 70’s era winnebago flattened by a truck trailer. That’s because its a Steinwinter and its a real thing! It was designed to maximize payload while giving the rest of the truck an extremely low profile.

We go from the bizarre Steinwinter to...the humble stroller as built by NK DeSign-er. Sure we’re all about big, rugged automotive vehicles here, but the stroller has an important job to keep little tykes safe and happy while moms and dads go about their business. As usual for NK, this is an alternate model to the official 5867 Creator set.

When you think of the Ford Focus you think of a small fuel efficient hatchback. But Sangi13 takes it a step further and converts the little Focus into...of all things...a tow truck. I’m not quite sure how much tow capacity a Focus has but it sure does haul a crucifix...thingy.

Here’s the scene: You’re racing across state lines in a candy apple red convertible with Johnny Law in hot pursuit. You’ve keestered a balloon full of high quality bon bons, you have a blow up sex doll in the passenger seat, a trunk load of illegally smuggled Venezuelan fruit bats and no one can explain why you’ve let a chimpanzee take the wheel. I know, we’ve all been there, right? But if you were in Australia you’d be chased by Bruce the Highway Patrolman in his ’86 Holden VL Commodore as built by Lego911

Next on the Lego911 slab is busty Sharon and her 2013 Ford Flex. You see, Sharon has the hardest job in the world...being a soccer mom. Between all the schlepping the kids to school, the puking, head lice, spilled juice, hair pulling, kid farts, and crying its a wonder she still looks as good as any of the gals from Desperate Housewives.

See, now here is a law enforcement scenario I’m much more familiar with. Take the same scene from before, only set it in the forested and rain soaked Pacific Northwest and you have yourself Sheriff Johnson and his 2009 Crown Vic Washington State Patrol Car. You also have my preferred ride home after a big night out. What with me being car-less its always nice when Seattle’s finest offers up their services for a safe ride home and the right to remain silent.

I had the right to remain silent but didn’t have the ability. That’s because I was so excited about Peter’s fourth entry, this Aston Martin V8 Vantage N24 Racer driven by Oliver Mathai. His job is being a 24 hour race car driver. Seems exciting but what if ya gotta drop the kids off at the pool? Or...yanno...take the browns to the superbowl? Are any of you getting these analogies?

I was talking about pooping, in case you didn’t know. Anyway, in case you got a hankering for pepperoni and cheese delivered straight to your door, we have Peter and his Ford 2011 Focus Trend Hatchback. Ahhh yes, that familiar red, white and blue color scheme can only mean one thing...maximum taste at minimum wage!

What travels on a track but isn’t a train? Turns out its this Western Star Brandt Power Unit built by Ricecracker. This is powerful enough to pull up to 10 loaded train cars and would make those awkward father-son road trip talks a whole lot better. You know the one...your mom used to have a hot ass but now has an ass like a bag of wet clothes.

Ok, that made no sense at all, but I wanted to slip in a father-son awkward road trip joke and none of these hard working vehicles are really suited for father-son car rides. Lets just admire DeTomaso77’s Mercedes-Benz O 317 Renntransporter "Porsche". I have no idea what its supposed to transport, but its still cool as hell.

We all know what this next build by Aaron F1 transports. I have fond memories of riding these school busses as a kid. Their bright yellow color, their green vinyl seats, their flashing lights...the stop sign that flips out to alert passers by that pint sized tikes are exiting. reminds me of that one time this kid brian threw up on the bus and no one ever saw him again.

Thats because Brian probably grew up to be a British Police Officer somehow. Its an unlikely story but how else was I going to segue from the school bus to this UK Police Ford Focus built by Ralph Savelsberg. Writing is all about smoothly segueing one idea to another. And awkward father-son car trip jokes. And dropping off the kids at the pool.

Someone else with police cars on the brain is DoktorZapp with his Jensen Interceptor Police Car. Its seen here negotiating the punishing terrain of a berber carpet. That stuff right there...the number one cause of rug burns on my knees and elbows. Don’t ask how I know this.

Peteris Sprogis delivers some fine Octan fuel to a busy minifig intersection with his Octan Delivery Truck. Cuz that’s what they do...deliver Octan to...places in need of Octan delivery. Love that brick built Octan logo. Octan. Delivery. Yep. Ok, I used up my three to five lines. Lets move on, shall we?

Felipe Descomplicado also has Octan colors on the brain and a Heavy-Duty Wrecker - Sliding Rotator Boom Truck with motion effects that I can only describe as witchcraft or sorcery. Surely there can’t be some sort of magical photo shop program to make neat effects like this!

And Raphy submits what can only be described as...a hefty bag full of a broken red LEGO mess. Travel is a harsh mistress and so is the LUGNuts round up as this is the result of a 5,500 mile journey and nearly three weeks past the deadline we have no idea what the vehicle was intended to be. Sorry dude, we’ve just gotta publish as is.

And the sole reason this round up is three weeks late is to showcase this Australian 2010 Holden Ute Camera Car built by Lino Martins. I guess you can do things like this when you’re in charge. Iron Builder, crazy hours at work and other obligations made this entry late but I asked for a random assignment and didn’t want to let Marioman3138 down. So, better late than never, I suppose.

So...what did you all think of the round up? It was alright, I guess. But stay tuned for our next very special 50th build challenge where we do something crazy. Its called The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of and the best interpretation of the weird dreamy sequence gets cool LEGO prizes! Second and third place also stands to win prizes. This is an unprecedented challenge and so far...very few entries. This could still be anyone’s game and we’re all waiting on pins and needles here. And let me tell ya, pins and needles are mighty pointy and uncomfortable! So stay tuned to see how it all turns out.